A brand-new article from Digital Marketer, one of my favourite Online marketing sources, is actually a Google Analytics and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Masterclass-For Free. For many online marketers, new, experienced, even expert, understanding and maximising the value of Google Analytics seems complex, even mysterious, and some (me included for many years 😊), put them […]
The Wealthy Marketer-T Harv Ekers $500 Million Dollar Secret
Introduction T Harv Eker, one of the worlds leading motivational speakers and success trainers has recently released his new training program “The Wealthy Marketer”. Harv’s high-energy, “cut-to-the-chase” style keeps his audience spellbound. His motto is “talk is cheap” and his unique ability is getting people to “take action” in the real world to produce real […]
Website Optimisation & SEO-The Ultimate Guide
Introduction When I started my online life after leaving my corporate career of 30 years in late 2012, one of the first things I was taught in seminars run by “guru’s” was that I must have a website. And in those days, building a website was not as simple as it is today, and to […]
How To Live Your Passion And Purpose To Create Profits
Introduction Chances are, if you’re not living with the passion and purpose you truly want in your life right now, you either: – don’t know your what your passion and purpose is, and you’re having trouble figuring it out, or – think you know your passion and purpose, but you aren’t completely sure you’re on […]
Business Consulting-ERP System Implementation Guidelines
Introduction No matter what type of business you are in, implementing an “Enterprise Requirements Planning System” (ERP) solution is a critical project that must be taken seriously and must have backing from top management if it is to succeed. From concerns about cost and demonstrating ROI, to practical considerations about who will manage the process […]