We all need a real sense of purpose in life to make it truly meaningful, fulfilling and enjoyable.
I believe that whilst we are generally motivated by a desire to “do the right thing” we all have an overriding single purpose in life, and that discovering what that purpose is, is one of, if not the most important task in our life.
Once we have discovered our purpose, our task then becomes to take action to fulfill that overriding purpose.
How to Kick Start Your Life Purpose -Deepak Chopra
In a recent article, one of my spiritual mentors Deepak Chopra explains that whilst “Every life has a purpose, and in fact many purposes. Every day each of us is motivated to do many kinds of things. But this i s different from a life which is guided by a single purpose.”
He also explains that “A clear strong vision ignites your life purpose” and that for this to occur for us individually requires both a deep inner motivation and the prospect of an outer reward as a result of achieving our vision.
He continues “This match between inner and outer is key when it comes to finding your life purpose” and that “Before any purpose can be activated, a personal vision comes first.”
Importantly he also explains that “A vision can be personal and fulfilling without being grand or lasting a lifetime.”
After all, we can’t all make an earth shattering difference to the future destiny of mankind, our personal true purpose doesn’t have to be world changing; it can be something simple as long as it achieves your heart’s desire.
Deepak concludes by saying “You will know you have found a path to your life’s purpose when each step supports and encourages your inner intention.”
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