Growth Mindset for Success in Your Business
According to Karen Dweck, the author of the book “Mindset: The New Psychology for success” There are two types of mindset, a “Growth Mindset” and a “Fixed Mindset”
“Through clever research studies and engaging writing, Dweck illuminates how our beliefs about our capabilities exert tremendous influence on how we learn and which paths we take in life.”—Bill Gates, GatesNotes
Creating and growing your own successful business is more about mindset and attitude than the Mechanics of actually doing it. If your mindset is wrong, your chances of success are really not very high.
Your thoughts and beliefs determine your destiny. Your life or your business will not be a positive experience if you have predominantly negative thoughts. This is because the messages you are giving your sub-conscious mind are negative, and your sub-conscious mind creates what your thoughts tell it. It is unable to differentiate between what’s actually true and your thoughts, so tell it what you DO want, not what you DON’T want.
We can’t control the thoughts that pop into our heads, but we can control how we deal with negative thoughts when they arise. As soon as you recognise a negative or undesirable thought, simply dismiss it instantly. Try laughing and saying something like “that’s not true”, or “that’s rubbish”.
Your success in your business, your happiness and prosperity depend on this.
Having the Right Mindset and Clarity on your Purpose will raise your belief in what you are doing. And the more you raise your belief in what you are doing the more momentum your business, your team and your life will have. And the money will take care of itself.
What’s on your mind? Unfortunately, many people underrate their own personal intelligence and ability. It seems we are our own worst critic.
We all have an underlying fear of failure, and these thoughts create a lot of anxiety that can wear you down over time and cause a lack of action to improve your situation. This in turn leads to an overall lack of fulfillment.
In reality, we are all capable of being or doing just about anything we really want to do. It all boils down to having the right mindset, belief in yourself and your purpose, and having the confidence to take action in areas outside your comfort zone – in unfamiliar territory.
In the rest of this article, we have provided an overview of a proven model for getting the mindset you will need to succeed if you are serious about starting or growing your own business.
The Growth Mindset for Success
The “growth mindset” was explained by Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University, whose research into mindset and success has been published in her book
“Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”.
According to Dr. Dweck “There are basically 2 types of mindset; fixed and growth. People who believe that your personal human characteristics cannot be changed have a fixed mindset, whereas people who believe they can be positively changed have a growth mindset.
Or looked at another way, people are either learners or non-learners”.
We all start life with the same mindset, but as we go through life, our circumstances an environment will mould our mindsets in one direction or the other.
So how do you decide which of these two is predominant in your life right now? Ask yourself, which of the two mindsets below sounds the most like you. Be honest with yourself, which one are you right now, not which one you would like to be.
Source: You tube animated video: Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset
The growth mindset stems from a belief that your talent and intelligence are just the starting point, and that success comes as a result of effort, learning, testing, and persisting.
Those people with a growth mindset are more resilient, typically work harder, and almost always achieve greater success than those with a fixed mindset, because they are motivated by the desire to grow and learn, and a strong belief in their own ability and their purpose.
Tip: Find a coach or mentor that has been there and done what you want to do and has proven success
Fixed Mindset
People with a fixed mindset tend to believe that you are either born with talent and intelligence or you are not, and that it is not possible to change how talented or smart you are.
As a result, they are afraid to take risks for fear they might make a mistake – which would just confirm in their mind that they have limited intelligence. In other words, a fixed mindset leads people to remain in their comfort zone.
So How Do You Develop a Growth Mindset?
According to Dr Dweck:
“The brain can be re-modelled into a growth mindset by changing one’s point of view.
When a dilemma comes up, take a step back and look at how you are viewing it.
Are you looking at the problem with a fixed mindset or a growth mindset?
A growth mindset accepts new challenges, strategises a way to solve the challenge and then keeps working until the challenge is solved or achieved. A person with a growth mindset learns from setbacks and keeps Moving forward’
“The secret is to focus on the positives in any situation or circumstance, not on the negatives.”
If you think hard enough, the positives will come to you; they are always there.
Just write down whatever comes into your head, then re-examine what you have written, thoughtfully.
It may contain clues to the solution or answer you are seeking.
If you want to learn more you can get Dr Dweck’s book from Amazon here